10 Jan So, what is Pain?
It is European Cannabis Week! I attended a Policy summit with the team at the 'Centre for Medicinal Cannabis' A really informative and positive day. Their proposals and policy is available to download at The Centre for Medicinal Cannabis I think the future for #Medicinalcannabis is promising....
Fibromyalgia is under-diagnosed and under-treated. This brief video summarises the condition known as #Fibromyalgia or Total body pain. https://youtu.be/MYW9133H_lg...
https://www.clinicalpainadvisor.com/iasp-2018/cannabis-effective-treatment-for-migraineurs/article/794868/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cpa-update-20180916&cpn=pain_all&hmSubId=&hmEmail=2rif3ilS60Y1&NID= Cannabis (medicinal) may be useful in the management of migraines. Clearly, more research is needed....
http://breathe.ersjournals.com/content/10/2/134 Useful summary about a really popular and important research phenomenon...
This study from the States was single -blinded and looked at a simple intervention for #Fibromyalgia. Tai Chi seems to be useful in the management of #Fibromyalgia. Tai Chi for Fibromyalgia I am hoping at some point in the next 12 months or so, to set...
This brief video discusses the use of NSAIDs in chronic pain. How do they work? what are the side effects? Next - Alternative treatments in chronic pain....
In short, no! There has been fairly conclusive reviews and evidence recently, that has documented the problems with using opioids in long term pain. There is no robust evidence for using opioids in the management of chronic pain. I would strongly urge clinicians to...
This brief video introduces patients and clinicians into how relaxation can help patients who are in chronic pain. Next Time - Are Opioids useful in the management of chronic pain? ...
This is great news for the Chronic Pain community. For sufferers and for clinician. I have attached the release from the CMO. She has essentially validated what chronic pain patients have known all along...
Nerve is relatively common and becoming more so with the increasing prevalence of diabetes. Other common causes include; post-shingles (PHN) and alcohol excess. Chemotherapy induced neuropathy is common as is post-stroke pain. There are a couple of groups of drugs which can help nerve pain. ...